Ahad, 26 September 2010

today is my last day., (in kmpp)

The question is.., it's all about now.. hurmmm.. Da lebyh kurang 5 bln ak bersama kwn2 kat kmpp nie.., mulanya.., km x rapat sgt.. i knew when first time i entered this class.., some of them didn't like me very much.. they felt i;m so childish because i told them that i only like to watch cartoon.. heheh.. but somehow.., we get to know each other.. we become closer., n found out that there is a chemical bond between us..

i want to share with the world about the special being one of H7P2's member..
start from the left .;
Ng : the only chinese girl in my class.., gadis yg pendiam dan mungkin seorg yg pemalu.. tp.., bila dtg part cite pasal lagu korea.., ak bley nampak yg muka dia berseri2 sbb suke sgt.. dia minat lee jun ki..,
Fyra : this is my 'daugther' .., hehe.. ade lah cite2 dlm kuarga H7P2 yg sesetgh owg jer tao.. Fyra nie seorg yg manja .., tp sgt active in outdoor game..,
Kyla : aaahhh.., mengikUt carta kuarga h7p2 , she is the youngest wan's wife.. hehe.. mempunyai personality yg menarik ., dan seorg yg humble ..
Mieza : bini ke 3.. when we come to discribe about her.., first n formost yg korg kena tao.., mieza adalah sorg yg caring.. we can count on her for doing something..
ME : haha.., ak la bini pertama dlm kuarga H7P2 nie.. :P nak tao ak mcm mna.., tanya larh mereka..
Anniss : she is the nanny..:P dia nie kdg2 sensitif.., kdg2 x sgt.. anniss selalu menceriakn suasana... kalo xda dia., klas akan sunyi..

Ammi : skali tgk..,nampak dia mcm seorg yg lasak.. tp...,owg ckp pe tue..?? dalam aty ada taman.. heheh.. ammi seorg yg selasa dgn apa je yg dia nak bt.. hehe.. kdg2 tue .., lwk sgt tgkk..

Shima: akak nie ayu sgt.., bila tgk dia.., rasa tenang.. hehe..

Ain: i really close with her.. suka bt lwk.. yg lwknyer tue,.., kdg2 lwk dia ak sowg jer yg fhm..:P happy go lucky gurl., but her heart is so fragile.. iam touched when looked at her crying faced...

Dayah: dayah x byk ckp dlm klas... seorg yg pemalu.. tp senyuman nyer sgt menenangkan aty..

Imah: imah da sekelas ngan ak sejak ak form 4 masa kat mrsm langkawi ag.. quite clumsy but funny gurl..

thirah: thirah memang special.. hehe.. smart gurl n has self independent..

farhah: farhah nie cute.. berpersonality menarik.. ley la kalo nak bt calon isteri.. hehehe.. (farhah jgn marah)

Aishah: kalo kita tgk dia nampak mcm serious gurl.., but then she can smile easily.. seorg yg carring..

Zikri: hehe.., zikri.., lain drpd yg lain.. baek haty.. suke ngantok dlm kuliah.., tp xkesah la.. sbb kwn ngan dia best.. hehe..

Bab: kome nak tao pasl die nie..? hehe.. bab nie seorg yg creative.., inovatif.., n .. yg tif2 sume kat dia lah.. hehe..

Wan: vs walid.. , wan nie sgt responsible.., kalo kita bg something kat dia .., kita da xyah susah ati pike dia buat ke x.. susah nakl dgr dia nyanyi..hehe..

Puan Hanna: '''' Owkkkey" hehe.., tue ayat puan hanna la tue.. dlm klas puan hanna.., sume org senang ati dgn cara dia conduct klas.. nak tao knp..? alami lah sendiri.. :)

Fiqa: kak fiqa nie memang stylish.. hehe.. kak fiqa pown sorg yg responsible jg.. walaupun x same umo.., tp memang senang nak masuk la ngan pangai kak fiqa nie.. hehe..

Naza: i dun know what's happening to him.. but seriously.., sy lebyh sukakan naza yg dulu drpd yg skang.. sbb dulu dia gila2 skyt.. skang da jd serius skyt.. tp xpe.. human change..

Izwan:haha.. first time tgk., memang nampak dia mcm sorg yg pemalu.. maybe.. tp dlm pd tue.., izwan sowg yg sporting dan ada characternyer yg tersendiri..

fakha: any discribtion..? haha.. fakha sempoi.. dia bley bw diri dia kemana jer... sape2 yg rasa terancam ngan lelaki.. gi la belajar satu ilmu 'mempertahankan diri' ngan dia.. hehe.. only we knew..:P

####.., shukor : de xde dlm pic kat atas.. tp pe yg kita perlu tao pasal shukor.., de mempunyai keyakinan diri yg sgt tinggi.. maybe kdg2 korang akn terkejut or tersentap ngan lawak de.., tp kalo dh biasakan diri.., memang best dpt kwn ngan shukor.. :P

2 ulasan:

fifirainbowgrey berkata...

huwaaa .. t'haru ttbe .. hukhuk =.='

ArTiKel dArI hAtI berkata...

hehe.. nangys la skyt... :P