Selasa, 28 September 2010

i love my rumate.. :*

my roommate started to feel sad when i just wrote about my classmate just now.. hehe.. but they dun know that i love then as well ..

It begin with 4 of us..,. ummi, maria , nisa n me.. but then.., nisa got spa in nursing.. she left us first.. not much memory that nisa left for us.. but the main thing that i really remember about her was her gorgeous smile..,

Ummi.., she's a very3 hardworking gurl.. looking at her doing revision n study made me feel scared n tried to persued myself to do so.. heheh.. she's very cute , small , n thing that i can't forget the most about her is.. when she laughing.., she will make this kind of 'hua3' sound.. hehe.. but it's really suite with her adorable face.. :P hurmmn, one more thing.., ummi x pnh berkira ngan ak mahupown maria.. dalam bilik km., brg km .., adalah hak km sama2.. tp.., km sentiasa hormat menghormati antara satu sama len.. Dgn ummi.., ak dpt berkongsi msalah yg ak hadapi.., menceritakn ape jer yg ak rasa dlm aty.., she will try to spend so much time to hear me.., n make me cool dowm.. no wonder..she was selected to be a part of PRD . hehe...
Maria,.. she's really 'ayu' for me.. hehe.. wearing kain batik in our room looking like a 'perempuan melayu terakhir' .things that i really like about her is.., we can discuss a lot of rutin issue .,, make it interesting n not boring at all.. for example.., "polygami in family , why girls doing this n that.., and men also, and much more.." hehe.. i was so impress looking at her,. trying to adapt with kedahan people which is ummi n me.. when she speak with ummi or me.., she will used 'km' instead of " ak" . this is becoz.., ummi n me r speaking kedahan in our ro0m.. but then.., it doesn't mean that she was 'pecah botol budu" heheheheh...
i never expect to see .., sprinkle of diamond will roll down on their cheek when i was check out from that room yesterday.. it really meaning full for me to see that moment becoz.., in that ro0m.., iam the one who's the princess of tears.. luckily i have them as my rumate..
i love ummi and maria so much..

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